Year 3
Meet Our Year 3 Team
We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning ahead! This year we will be trying our best in all that we do, as we have a really positive atmosphere in which everyone feels valued and able to share their views.
Maple Class: Our class teacher is Miss Winterbone and our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Sayer.
Rowan Class: Our class teacher is Miss Gooch and our Learning Support Assistant is Mr Eddington.
This year, our topic themes will have either an historic, geographic or a scientific focus. To begin with, we will learn about what Britain was like from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age. In our science lessons during the autumn term, we will learn about the formation of rocks and about the human body. In the spring term we will turn our attention to the geography of the UK and in science we will be finding out about forces, magnets and light. In the summer Term, we will find out about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. We will also be learning about plants during our science lessons.
It will be important for us to continue to focus on our English and maths. In particular, we will be working hard to ensure that we can accurately spell all of the Year 3 spellings, and to know all our times tables up to 12.
One of the highlights of Year 3 will be learning gymnastics at Sudbury Gymnastics Club. Over the course of the year, we will learn everything from forward rolls to performing on the beam and the bars!
We will also have the opportunity to continue our learning outside of the classroom with a fortnightly Outdoor Learning session.
To top off our Year 3 adventure, this year we are planning to visit Colchester Castle.
From our attachments section on this page you can view what our topics are this term by selecting the Curriculum Map document or select the Long Term Overview for the full academic year plan.
Do you have a question? Come and have a chat or send us a message via Class Dojo.
Subject Links
Please follow the subject links for further information and resources on the subjects taught at Woodhall Primary School.