Our SEN Hub
About Our Complex Need Unit
Throughout their time at Woodhall Primary School, children will engage with a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum suited to each individual’s needs and interests. Children who are based within the specialist unit at the heart of our school site led by dedicated staff who have expertise in meeting the needs of all children in inclusive settings.
Throughout the school day, pupils will engage with a specialist timetable designed to optimise their academic and social learning within a flexible curriculum which meets their needs. Teaching and learning will be multi-sensory in order to support all learners and promote success.
Within the learning environment, pupils will have access to specialist resources and a bespoke outdoor learning space as well as opportunities to utilise on-site facilities including the Library, Dance Studio and Cooking Area. Additional enrichment opportunities will be offered and will be reflective of the needs of pupils with an emphasis on building communication skills at each individual’s level.
Pupils will integrate within the wider school community as appropriate to their individual needs and skills and will be supported by trained staff to transition successfully.
Our specialist unit will cater for children who require additional support with complex needs and will provide a bespoke curriculum of academic and life learning to ensure that each pupil grows, flourishes and is prepared for life.
The curriculum offered in the Apples and Pears is:
- Designed individually pupils based on their needs, interest and EHCP outcomes.
- Based on each individual’s developmental stage and next steps in learning.
- Ambitious and appropriate to each individual.
- Holistic and focussed on developing the whole child – including social skills, emotional literacy, life skills and self care awareness
- Delivered in line to with the whole school curriculum vision – to develop vocabulary, knowledge of the world and understanding of people and places.
- Parents/carers of our pupils are always part of our planning and progress discussions. Regular communication with them is crucial in order to ensure children make the best possible progress.
Our specialist provision offers a maximum of 18 places for children aged Reception to Year 6 with a wide ranging special educational needs. Admissions should be made through the Local Authority.
Children may present difficulties in any of the following areas of need: · Communication and Interaction · Cognition and Learning · Social, Emotional and Mental Health · Physical Development
The needs of the individual child will be carefully assessed during the initial transition period as they begin to settle into their new class. Provision will be tailored to ensure a successful journey through Reception and Key Stage One and two and, if appropriate, this could include opportunities to join mainstream classes to learn alongside their peers. Children may also be welcomed to join assemblies and special events so that they feel very much part of the wider school community.
Mrs Leanne Copping and Mrs Kelly Strydom- class teachers
Mrs Louise Jones- HLTA
Mrs Amber Griffiths, Miss Josie Frost and Miss Jessica Fisher- LSA.
Throughout their time at Woodhall Primary School, children will engage with a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum suited to each individual’s needs and interests. Children who are based within the specialist unit at the heart of our school site led by dedicated staff who have expertise in meeting the needs of all children in inclusive settings.
Throughout the school day, pupils will engage with a specialist timetable designed to optimise their academic and social learning within a flexible curriculum which meets their needs. Teaching and learning will be multi-sensory in order to support all learners and promote success.
Within the learning environment, pupils will have access to specialist resources and a bespoke outdoor learning space as well as opportunities to utilise on-site facilities including the Library, Dance Studio and Cooking Area. Additional enrichment opportunities will be offered and will be reflective of the needs of pupils with an emphasis on building communication skills at each individual’s level.
Pupils will integrate within the wider school community as appropriate to their individual needs and skills and will be supported by trained staff to transition successfully.
Our specialist unit will cater for children who require additional support with complex needs and will provide a bespoke curriculum of academic and life learning to ensure that each pupil grows, flourishes and is prepared for life.
The curriculum offered in the Apples and Pears is:
- Designed individually pupils based on their needs, interest and EHCP outcomes.
- Based on each individual’s developmental stage and next steps in learning.
- Ambitious and appropriate to each individual.
- Holistic and focussed on developing the whole child – including social skills, emotional literacy, life skills and self care awareness
- Delivered in line to with the whole school curriculum vision – to develop vocabulary, knowledge of the world and understanding of people and places.
- Parents/carers of our pupils are always part of our planning and progress discussions. Regular communication with them is crucial in order to ensure children make the best possible progress.
Our specialist provision offers a maximum of 18 places for children aged Reception to Year 6 with a wide ranging special educational needs. Admissions should be made through the Local Authority.
Children may present difficulties in any of the following areas of need: · Communication and Interaction · Cognition and Learning · Social, Emotional and Mental Health · Physical Development
The needs of the individual child will be carefully assessed during the initial transition period as they begin to settle into their new class. Provision will be tailored to ensure a successful journey through Reception and Key Stage One and two and, if appropriate, this could include opportunities to join mainstream classes to learn alongside their peers. Children may also be welcomed to join assemblies and special events so that they feel very much part of the wider school community.
Meet Our Team

SEN Coordinator


Apple Class Teacher




Pears Class Teacher