Welcome to Music
About Our Music Curriculum
At Woodhall Primary School we are committed to promoting knowledge of the world, culture, relationships and communication. The following core concepts support the teaching of music (taken from the Purpose and Aims of Study). From September 2022 we will be using CUSP Music in line with the National Curriculum and the New Model Music Curriculum. Our children will learn to:
- perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians
- learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence
- understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the interrelated dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.
The children are exposed to the ways in which music can be a form of communication and portray a specific feeling or tell a story. As a school we also look at how music can be used to help those who may struggle with communication as a way to express their thoughts and feelings and support communication through music by using Makaton signing in our weekly singing assemblies enabling this experience to be accessible to all pupils.
Using a variety of instruments and their own voices, we strive to promote creativity and curiosity with opportunities to make original compositions, encouraging the children to comment, evaluate and offer advice on their own work and that of their peers within a safe environment to do so.
Performing is an important feature within the music curriculum and at Woodhall Primary School we aim to give all our pupils the confidence to be able to achieve this, creating a safe and welcoming environment to explore music. Whilst also receiving the opportunity to learn a more formal style of music supported by WCET from a specialised music teacher.
Music is taught both discretely and also as a stand-alone subject depending upon the year group, key stage or topic of the class at the time. Links to other subjects are made as often as is appropriate.
By the time our children leave Woodhall they will have the skills and knowledge to understand and interpret a piece of music, understand basic notation and musical features, have knowledge of a wide range of cultural and historical genres and above all have the confidence to perform and use their creativity.
For further information on the curriculum in years 1-6 please read the Subject Overview which is available in the attachments section on this page.