Woodhall Primary School & Nursery - a place of limitless possibilities

January Newsletter

Every Tuesday we invite our children to stay at school until 4pm. The children participate in a range of clubs in mixed-age groups including sewing, jewellery making, art, running, yoga, singing, writing, board games and much more! 

We also ensure our children visit places and have visitors in school that support their CUSP knowledge journey.

Over the year, we plan a range of enrichment activities for all of our pupils including going to the panto, the circus, skateboarding and an ice-skating experience to name but a few.

How we are using iPads to enhance learning in the classroom

In September 2023, we introduced one-to-one iPads for all children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 at no cost to them or their families. We are finding that the iPads are transforming the way teachers teach and children learn.

Some of the ways they are being used include children using the accessibility features, such as text to speech, speech to text and translate to support them to access learning independently and without drawing attention to themselves. They can also go back through the teacher’s slides while they work if they need to and watch recorded worked examples. Teachers can also deploy tools to scaffold learning for those children who need it and provide personalised feedback through voice notes.

Teachers in classes without 1:1 iPads are increasingly using their teacher’s iPad as a teaching tool, mirroring it onto the classroom’s interactive board. This allows them to move around the classroom when they teach, zoom in and out of slides and images, marking up their presentations and instantly sharing children’s work via the camera. Children in these classes have regular access to a trolley of iPads.